Per chi fosse ancora indeciso a quale circuito di competizioni partecipare nel 2012 suggeriamo il Giro del Mondo in bicicletta … appuntamento fissato per il 18 Febbraio alle ore 9 in punto a Greenwich Park, Londra (UK) dove 10 bikers partiranno per questa fantastica avventura !!! Resta in contatto con World Cycle Racing Grand Tour per seguire gli sviluppi della gara !!!
World cycle racing is a site by round the world cyclists for round the world cyclists. It aims to follow the adventures of world cyclists through satellite tracking, rider blogs, photos, videos, voice-casts and plain old eye-ball sightings.
On the 18th February 2012, Ten riders will set off to race 18,000 miles around the world in what has been described as ‘Arguably the Longest, toughest, adventure race in the world’. With the goal of winning the race and hopefully claiming the ultimate prize of a new Guinness World Record.
Currently the fastest circumnavigation by bicycle is 96 days, 10 hours and 33 minutes, and was achieved by Alan Bate (UK) who cycled a distance of 29,467.91 km (18,310.47 mi) and travelled over 42,608.76 km (26,475.8 mi) in total (including transfers). The journey started and finished at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand, from 31 March to 4 August 2010.
Riders competing in the World Cycle Racing event will be tracked via satellite tracking in what is shaping up to be the most dramatic adventure race ever. With the ability to track each rider individually every 10 mins through Trackleaders and along with special race commentary you will be sure not to miss any of the action as it unfolds.
Five times longer than the Tour de France, these amateur riders will have to cycle and astonishing 190 miles per day to stand a chance of claiming a new World Record. Each rider in the WCR will be riding solo un-supported.
From racing across the Gobi desert, climbing the heights of the rocky mountains, battling the headwinds of the australian outback to revelling in the marvels of India. Each route is as unique as it is challenging at is sure to test every rider to the limit both physically and mentally. Only the strongest overall rider will return first victorious back to London just before the Olympic games.
The official race start will be from Greenwich Park, London at 9am with the opportunity to see off the riders as they embark on their epic journey’s.
Mike Hall vince la competizione compiendo il giro del mondo in 92 giorni !!!
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